
Can we all just stop glorifying “quick wins” and shortcuts to success in business?

At team JJ, we create ALIGNED, sustainable, spacious businesses that give more than they take and "love us back" - long term.

Where richness without sacrifice

Isn't just a lofty dream

Where richness without sacrifice Isn't just a lofty dream

Right now there's a lot of coaches spruiking quick wins and not enough are talking about long-term growth strategies.

It's something I know the industry as a whole will look back on and say, “wtf were we thinking?!”

Around here we do things differently. We don't subscribe to the story that spaciousness and success can’t coexist, or that short term tactics have to be at the expense of sexy strategy and sustainable growth.

The key is designing personalised strategies that suit you and your unique business so you can make more money now AND over the long term.

And here’s why I’m the perfect coach and business strategist to help you do that.

In the early days of building my business, you could say I was kinda obsessed with growth.

I got busy chasing the holy grail of 7 figure success - and achieved it. But in exchange for the online fame, every other area of my life suffered.

Skipped workouts. 

Text messages left unanswered for months on end. 

Suffering a miscarriage.

I was taking all the action, creating incredible growth in my business and creating amazing results for my clients.

But in reaching for what I thought “success” looked like, I’d let go of all the things that truly mattered to me.

So I promised myself I’d ‘fix it’ - and kept putting it off until I had “more time”.

It wasn't until my health started failing that I realised it wasn’t about making time, I had to CREATE it! Time for myself, my health and my family.

The thing is, I’m an ACHIEVER (thanks, Capricorn North Node).

It's my life's mission to achieve and provide for my family.




I’m here for all of it. ANNNNDDD…

I want to do it on MY terms.

There was just one thing that was holding me back from achieving this.

How do I keep making the same kinda money, but in a whole new kinda way?

The kind that is spacious, sustainable and oh-so-profitable (like, it’s cool you had a $50k month but have you done that for the past 4 years running?!)

It was the “sliding doors moment” I needed to look at how I was doing things in my business and completely change the way I was doing things. 

And having a leveraged, profitable, impact-driven business that generates incredible results for clients and still allows plenty of space for creativity, family and personal growth was something I knew others were craving, too

…and the Richness Without Sacrifice Movement was born.

I’m here to help you shed the identity that success, money and wealth can ONLY be created at the expense of your time, relationships and sense of self - and that quick wins should be prioritised over long-term sustainable growth. 

We do this through designing personalised strategies that create quick results so you can pay your bills NOW while also refining long term strategies for year-on-year growth that both simplify AND optimise your business and help you build real wealth for your future.

Because being highly strategic in business (and focused on long-term results) is not boring, but sexy AF. Creating personalised strategies is what will set you apart from the crowd and set you up to make more money now AND over the long term.

THIS is why our programs are open for you to join anytime.

Not only is there no false scarcity or countdown timers to mess with your mojo or leave you with fomo…

…but because if you want to join my community of rule-breakers who are spaciously creating unreasonable results, then you gotta be ALL IN.

Our unique coaching programs help you do that by blending highly personalised and long-term sustainable growth strategies, with deep self-exploration, human design and astrological elements so you can have the kind of richness-without-sacrifice life you desire (but up until now, have quietly convinced yourself just isn’t possible…)

You get to step into your MOST badass self with a luxe, extra AF, full service experience and the care and support of our company’s legendary team. 

You can count on a gloriously high-vibe mix of industry-leading advanced business strategy to give you the courage and conviction to show up and create evidence that you can be ridiculously rich in every sense of the word, without sabotaging, stressing or sacrificing your own needs and nervous system along the way…

Ready to step into your rich without sacrifice era?


as seen in

AS SEEN IN as seen in

  • “Jazze is the ultimate example of what’s possible as a leader!"

    Jazze and her team helped me set up systems and infrastructure in my business so I still have big cash days even when I’m not there!

    Nicole Watson

  • “NEON completely blew my mind.”

    I’ve reimagined my strategies and refined my offers with a focus on my personal strengths to create super juicy, scalable offers I just love to deliver. Jazze is an awesome coach, and her team provides quick responses. I’ve finally got clarity on how I want to run my business.

    Jessica Read

  • “Jazze helped me rebuild my business while ALSO signing high ticket clients.”

    In just two months inside NEON, I revamped my membership, signed a new client weekly, let go of draining offers and misaligned clients, and hit my biggest cash months ever. My predicted income for the month is $52k; I've already hit $34,565 and still a week to go!

    Elaine Leek

  • “Jazze helped me to step into the way I want to lead with more space to breathe."

    We did our biggest month ever without any of the old hustle energy. Working with Jazze has helped me step into alignment with my values and changed the way I show up in life + biz.

    Chloe Cocks

  • “With Jazze’s help, I’ve completely transformed my whole business.”

    I have more confidence and clarity, I'm booking more discovery calls and they’re converting! Join Constantly Converting if you want a clear process to build a strong business foundation.

    Annalise Maddrell

In an industry awash with ‘secret steps’ and “invest in me to calibrate to my energy” MESSAGING

I'm here to dispel the myth that you can find the success you’re looking for just by following someone else's system.

Truth is, your success comes down to making the right choices for YOU, tapping into your own inner GPS and creating a strategy around this that is both simple and sustainable.

But how are we supposed to know what we want when our heads are flooded with other people’s thoughts and opinions?

We get stuck in what we think we “should” be doing, or what we’ve seen work for others. 

We follow the trends because it feels safer than doing what WE truly want. 

It’s easier to avoid the self-exploration work necessary to identify and CLAIM our strengths and create sustainable strategies. 

We’ve all been there.

In fact, I've been exactly where you are - but then DECIDED to go back and create new foundations and carve a more sustainable, spacious path. 

Was changing the foundations of my business hard work? Sure, some days in business are always harder than others. Is it important? You betcha.

Is it worth it? The future of your business depends on having the right foundations today.

Empowered Breakthroughs

Hear from my long-term client, nicole:

“Jazze is the ultimate example of what’s possible as a coach and as a leader!

If you’re looking for a full service dynamic, supportive coaching experience where powerful leadership, self-awareness and self-compassion is modelled and you are deeply supported to actually implement, you need to work with Jazze.”

—Nicole Watson, Founder Thrive Pilates

If you’re ready to back yourself and create the solid foundations for your business’ long term growth…

The Richness Without Sacrifice path will help you shed the identity that success, money and wealth is only created when your schedule is packed to the brim and you’re trying to be somebody you’re not. I invite you to explore working with us to find a way of doing business and life that works for YOU

I’ve helped literally hundreds of women activate and expand their most authentically badass selves and make more money SUSTAINABLY.

I’d love to help you, too!

Create magic with us:

Visibly YOU

Get started with our simple 3-step method for coaches and service providers ready to smash that next income ceiling, leverage the shit out of your strengths and create a strategy to ignite your visibility and fuel your cash flow.

(It’s kind of a no-brainer at just AUD $37!)

constantly converting

A 12-week program to help you design and refine your core offer, elevate your message and nail your sales strategies so you can start converting now AND create consistent $5k+ months going forward. If you’re a coach, consultant or creative service provider, this is perfect for you.

NEON - 6 or 12 months

The first-of-its-kind personalised group coaching program for service providers who want to refine their business model, product suite and sales and marketing strategies to create a multiple 6 figure result.

(and align your biz with your energy + astrology for more ease, flow + profits)

CUSTOM 1:1 consulting +VIP DAYS

This is a premium container for service providers and CEO level business leaders desiring a personalised overview of their business to review and refine their long term sustainable growth strategy, product suite, messaging and create higher ROI for their processes, systems + teams

And if there’s still a part of you that’s thinking…

“There's no way this is realistic…what do you mean I don’t have to make sacrifices to get what I want?...”

I get it… 

We live in a society that rewards achievement and this is more often than not associated with hustle and doing what you’re “told”. 

This is an outdated, patriarchal way of thinking that stomps all over your personal power.

It might sound morbid, but the #1 regret of the dying is “I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me”

Do you want to be in the same place in business you are today in 5 years time?

Following your “shoulds”?

Sacrificing what’s most important to you to grow your business?

Having way less space and freedom than when you were in your 9-5?

Of course you don’t.

But if there’s a part of you that feels like 

simplifying = less money 

less work = less success

fewer programs = less creativity

…then check out one of our epic free and on demand masterclasses below so I can show you the simple strategies that create more spacious success is the NORM in my world…

Free and on-demand:


How to use your Human Design to build a profitable business model and product suite with offers you love to deliver.

In this three part series, you’ll explore two key elements of your human design that will (and should) dramatically influence the way you run your business
and discover
the most aligned business model for you, based on your unique human design energy type.

Perfect if your business starts to feel more like a
prison than a profit centre!

Built For Scale

A roadmap from $50k to multi-6 figures (without burning out, breaking your brain or adding more products to your biz)

This FREE training gives you my framework for creating a multi-6 figure pathway to scalable, sustainable success.

This is perfect for you if you’re already at $5k-$10k months and desiring to scale to multi 6 figures spaciously + sustainably.

Duration: 65 minutes

Check out my Podcast

All That Jazze!

Join me as I take you behind the scenes of my strengths-led sustainable online business and share my favourite strategies and rituals for building a million dollar business, creating fun and innovative offerings and business models, pioneering a Movement and committing to a whole lot of rest, self-exploration, nervous system regulation and FUN while I do it.


But don’t take it from me

Take it from my client sara who found me through this podcast


“A few years ago I found myself crying in my bathroom.

I’d had the worst day in my business so far and I was ready to give it all up. Then my friend called. She’d just seen Jazze talk on stage at a live event and how powerful it was. I wiped my tears and started listening to her podcast. 5 hours later I was still bingeing her content! Fast forward to today and I’m working with Jazze in my third consecutive container. My business is flourishing, 100% of my clients have signed up to work with me again in 2023 and I’ve got more time, space and love for myself and my business than ever before. I hope Jazze never stops speaking her truth, she’s the only coach I ever want to work with again.”

—Sara Fiordi, Business Coach + Mentor


We have the best clients in the biz! Here are some of their stories

Want a low cost way to work with me?

Then you want to get Visibly YOU!

The results from this internet-famous mini course and accompanying BONUS CALL are out of this world.

Just ask Aundra:

“I had an incredibly powerful call with Jazze to go over my Visibly YOU strategy and pretty much immediately signed a new mastermind client, doubled my engagement and I’m just about to launch my new podcast!”

$37 for a 30-minute coaching call with Jazze Jervis?!