It’s time to craft your own high-converting visibility strategy so you can break your income plateau, have your highest cash month and be seen as a big freakin’ deal in your industry.

I know you don’t want to spend ages creating content just so you can be like everyone else. F—k that …

At Team JJ, we use (and teach) a streamlined method to draw in the dreamiest of clients on repeat (seriously, it’s so simple it’s kind of magical) - and I promise, it’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not.

This method has helped me attract, convert and keep millionaire clients, strategically build a top-rated podcast show AND saved me COUNTLESS HOURS (and stress) when it comes to content creation and marketing. 

It’s simple, it’s just 3 steps and as soon as you put it in place, it’ll take your visibility to level 100 (and leave everyone wide-eyed and wondering how the heck they didn't hear about you sooner!)


(without spreading themselves thin, showing up everywhere AND burning tf out)

If there’s one thing that burnout in my first million $ year has taught me…

…it’s that doing things we aren’t uniquely suited to do, that don’t highlight our point of difference, that don’t leverage our strengths and that only move us further away from our natural way of being … is NOT the way to consistently sign clients and build a thriving, sustainable business. 

And I know you understand this, too.

Because even though you’re taking the same action -- sharing your work on socials, recording podcasts, running live launches, which btw is the same action that used to...

…convert well… 

…feel really easeful...  

…reach more people… 

your conversions aren’t anything like they used to be. 

And even though you’re still making good progress, you feel behind on the big lofty goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year and there’s a part of you that’s wondering… should I burn it all to the ground and start again?!

*gently reaches for the matches in your hand*

It’s time to throw the cookie cutter strategies out and create one that’ll get you seen (and booked solid) so you can make more impact and build a profitable business for the long term.

Because honestly…taking what works for someone else and ‘experimenting’ with it to see if it’ll land for you, is a lot like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.

It’s messy, it’s time wasting and it means the world doesn’t get a taste of your secret sauce!

Hands up if you can relate…

You’ve got some stellar clients…

… but you’re ready for MORE of them. You’ve hired the coaches, upskilled and developed your own skillset, set up some systems and prepared yourself and your business for its next level.

As more and more people have popped up in your industry…

… your confidence has been knocked. You know the impact you have, you know how capable you are. But you’re looking for a way to really cut through the noise and speak authentically.

You know the Movement you are pioneering…

… and you want to literally scream it from the rooftops. Deep down, you know that being on every platform isn’t the way to get the message out and you want a way to create maximum impact with minimum effort.

You’ve had moments of being booked out…

… but it hasn’t been consistent and you *know* it’s connected with attracting the *right* kind of client right from the get-go, which starts with your strategic visibility strategy.

Ok, big-hearted boss lady, hands down.

It’s ok if you’re struggling with these things - it’s a pretty normal part of the entrepreneurial journey and you are definitely NOT alone.  

But if you’re anything like me and got yourself out of corporate (#GoodbyeLawyerLife) so you could create something on your own terms, the last thing you want to do is put yourself in ANOTHER box in your business and emulate other people. Am I right?!

But let me be clear, unless you know how to use your authentic voice POWERFULLY so people *actually* listen to you and trust you, you’ll stay stuck trying to find new clients and it’ll keep feeling a bit like shooting fish in a barrel or throwing spaghetti at the wall.

If you’re ready to get serious about your visibility and your leadership …

You need to get:

Visibly YOU

This is the very same 3 step method we use here at Team JJ to identify and leverage our client’s authentic voice, and create a potent AF (and high-converting) visibility strategy.

When you’ve got your visibility strategy dialled in, you’re no longer recreating the wheel:

✔️ It amplifies and elevates your natural tone of voice

✔️ It helps your message land for your clients in a much deeper way

✔️ It makes your message easier to maintain because it comes naturally to you

✔️ It strengthens your online presence so you become instantly recognisable 

✔️ It allows you to position yourself as an expert and leader in your field

✔️ It creates a solid relationship of credibility and trust

When you speak in your natural tone of voice and create your visibility around THAT, you instantly stand out from your competitors with a unique brand identity -- from this place, you can establish your business and brand as the pioneer and leader in your industry.

But even though it’s straightforward, it doesn't always feel easy to speak your truth and show up in a uniquely shaped-YOU kind of way - especially if you’ve been suppressing your own life force in favour of listening to the so-called ‘experts’.

I’m here to help you rediscover, reignite and refine your authentic voice so you can raise the roof on your visibility.

Hey! I’m Jazze!

I’m a business coach and creator of a first-of-its-kind business immersion, NEON, where coaches, consultants and service providers come to find their strengths and zone of genius to create more visibility, scalability and profitability by leveraging their own PERSONALISED strategies, human design energy type and unique natal chart. 

At the end of my first million dollar year in business, I realised I was burnt out AF and couldn't have been operating further away from my natural way of being. This ultimately led to a “come to Jesus” decision to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the most income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying. 

As a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant, intuitive business is literally DESIGNED FOR ME! The problem was… I was stuck in the “cookie cutter” mindset and doing what everyone else told me to do. I mean, it worked…for a while… until I hit burnout.

And this is exactly why every single strategy I use in my business (and teach my clients) is designed to have YOU at the forefront. 

Because here’s what I now know to be true… 

This is the MOST sustainable and nourishing way to do business AND directly correlates to spacious, high monthly recurring revenue. 

Imagine how it would feel…

…to be excited about your weekly content creation because it’s less about trying to squeeze every last drop of creative juice out of your already overworked brain and more about your newfound ability to:

Create fast (but potent AF) content 

When you leverage what comes naturally to you, you can dial in on the most effective and potent strategy *for you*. Say hello to wiping HOURS off of your weekly content creation process.

Attract the best clients you’ve ever worked with

When you stop pretending to be someone you’re not, you open the door to aligned clients that are perfect for your business who you actually WANT to work with. 

Craft messages that *land* in all the right ways

As I say to clients… visibility isn’t about how many platforms you can be on.. It’s how deeply your message lands. 

Leverage the shit out of your content

By streamlining your content creation to leverage your strengths, you can take that potent AF content and repurpose it in other ways!


✦ ✷

Introducing... ✦ ✷

This is for coaches, consultants and service providers who want to create their own high-converting visibility strategy and take their business from blending in with the crowd to being the talk of the freakin’ town!

Don’t you wish someone would create an interactive google sheet that helps you understand your tone of voice -- and then magically auto populates into a high level strategy you can use to promote your business immediately (like, today)?

That’s exactly what you’ll get inside Visibly YOU. 

I’m handing over the exact method we use as part of our content strategy and not only that, you can also use it as part of your next launch or to create your evergreen funnel. 

If you’re sick of blending in but have no idea how to break out of the beigeness of your current marketing and you’re ready to make the kind of impact you KNOW you can have…

It’s time to get visible and more importantly, get paid!

  • This program is perfect for you if...

    This program is perfect for you if you’re an online coach, creative, consultant, course creator or online service provider who is at 6 figures and you want to break through your income plateau into multiple 6 figures and have your highest cash month EVER!

  • This is not for you if...

    This is not for you if you don’t yet have a business or clarity on what you’re selling and are not committed to showing up and doing the work of being visible.


Visibly YOU is a pre-recorded training broken down into 3 easy steps to help you capture your authentic voice and craft a visibility strategy that carries it perfectly to draw in dream clients consistently (and easefully).

Part 1: Your Authentic Tone of Voice

First, you’ll reflect on key questions to help activate your authentic tone of voice while at the same time uncovering what’s been holding you back from fully stepping into your multiple 6 figure leadership and power in your industry. 

Part 2: Strategic Visibility

Using the knowledge you gained in step 1, now you get to explore the most effective strategy for you to: a) magnetise your ideal client and b) educate them on what you do and what steps to take so you can create crazy conversions

Part 3: Your Capacity 

Finally, you’ll hear the unspoken secret of consistent visibility and trust me… it’s not what you think!

Craft your own high-converting visibility strategy today!


(without spreading THEMSELVES thin, showing up everywhere and burning tf out)

And I’m throwing in these amazing bonuses, too!

SUPER BONUS: Private 30 minute Strategy Session!

I’ve left the best to last!

Submit your finished visibility strategy and get a high octane, individualised 1:1 coaching session with me so you can make THE MOST BANG and create the most impact with your newfound visibility.

Right now I’ll be the one running these calls but in the future, who knows how long that’ll be until one of my incredible co-coaches steps in to take over the reins. That is to say, be quick and purchase today while you can still get a guaranteed call with me. 

(Valued at $999 - but really? Priceless)

All of these incredible bonuses are valued at a whopping $3,122 but today you can get Visibly YOU + all of these for just $37 US

Sounds amazing, Jazze but I’m wondering…

  • This program is perfect for you if you’re an online coach, creative, consultant, course creator or online service provider and you want to break through your income plateau and have your highest cash month EVER!

  • This is not for you if you don’t yet have a business or clarity on what you’re selling and are not committed to showing up and doing the work of being visible.

  • We recommend setting aside a day to complete the visibility strategy and truly immerse yourself in this work and create *immediate* results and impact.

    *P.S. Why would you not want to make the most of the free coaching call with me as well! Get it done so you can get coached!

  • In my experience, visibility is the thing that holds everyone back. Whether I’m working with a client who is newer to business, at 6 figures, or multiple 7 figures, being confident in your tone of voice and how you want to show up and sell is *always* the thing I spend most of my time coaching on.

    By having an actual strategy for how to get more visible, not only will you feel more confident, but you’ll save yourself a TON of time because you won’t be second-guessing yourself all the time.

    Like my client Sara who recently had her first $50k month using this strategy.

  • This program is more focused on how to be more visible, not on mapping out a full sales funnel or a business model that is built for solid retention and MRR. In saying that, by getting clear on how you want to be visible, it is likely that a sales process will emerge from this work. And we can have a chat about this on the free coaching call, too!

Remind me again, what’s included when I download Visibly YOU?

For the low price and EPIC BONUSES that won’t be offered forever, the time to jump on this program is right now to get:

  • Pre-recorded training from me to help craft your tailored visibility strategy

  • Declare Your Movement swipe file and pre-recorded video training

  • Plug and play Notion Template to make your plan easy to action

  • Behind the scenes of our visibility strategy pre-recorded video training

  • Powerfully nurture your audience 2 x swipe files + pre-recorded video training

  • Metric tracker - our epic google sheet template and pre-recorded video training

  • Success Thoughts for Visibility pre-recorded video training

  • Strategic Visibility on Socials pre-recorded video training

Plus, exclusive access to me in a private 30 minute strategy session where you’ll get high powered mentoring to skyrocket your visibility!