Want a business that creates results without you always needing to be “on”?

ONE That CONTINUOUSLY generates leads and makes it easy to convert your offers consistently and predictably…

(especially when you don’t feel like it…).

Sounds good, right?

If you want to create a business with strategies that can create results without you needing to be “on” ...watch this…

To the coaches, consultants and service providers ready to solidify or scale to 6 figures…

I see how hard you work and I know it’s because:

  • You want to feel legitimately supported by your business

  • You want to *know* unequivocally that the offers you’re putting out into the world are actually going to sell and create solid results

  • You want your business to make money now and in the long run 

  • You REALLY want more spaciousness and ease in your day to day business operations so you have more time to create and play

But to achieve all that, you need reliable strategies.

The kind that’ll
deliver results AND provide a ton of spaciousness in your business.

Strategies that help you create irresistible offers and position them in such a way you can’t help but convert consistently (even when you’re offline).

Strategies that help you build a “co-creative” instead of “co-dependent” relationship with your business… where you can trust that you’ll be supported by your business ( and your strategies) when you’re with your family and switching off.

Thing is…

While you started your business for time and financial freedom, you feel like you’re exchanging time for money more than ever.

You’re creating results but only because you’re constantly working, showing up on socials and pitching your offer…

You rarely convert clients while you’re offline, much less get DMs like “omg I just found you, I LOVE what you’re doing, how can I work with you?”.

You love your business but mannnn, you're exhausted.


There is a way to create super reliable results and it all comes down to strategy!

A good strategy will help you generate money today -- the RIGHT strategies will help you create income now *AND* for the long term, without always needing to be “on”.

This is what Team JJ are exceptional at.

Let me introduce you to...

✦ ✷

Let me introduce you to... ✦ ✷

This is where you’ll learn how to create, position and SELL your offers consistently and predictably.

And the sooner you start, the more consistent (and compounded) your results will be.

This is the program I knew I had to create…

Because I know exactly what it's like to build a business that’s so reliant on you that you can’t take a break.

In my first million $ year, instead of celebrating such a massive achievement, I spent it exhausted and burnt out, wondering how on earth I was going to keep going.

Despite the high cash year and recurring revenue I’d created, it was at the expense of my time and wellbeing. I’d left my career as a lawyer because I wanted to spend more time with my family and here I was, working from home, but spending less time with them than ever before.

I knew I needed to do things differently.

I started seeing my business as its own living, breathing, powerful, sovereign entity that could hold itself (and me) without me always needing to be “on”.

And when I reflect on some of the achievements in my business…

…my first launch being over $100K and all of our launches being a minimum of $40K in revenue…

…transitioning seamlessly from a largely live-launch driven model to evergreen sales and delivery in 2022…

…having created a minimum $50K monthly recurring revenue for the past almost 4 years now…

… it's clear there are 3 key areas that have contributed the MOST to these results:

  1. having a robust offer creation process

  2. knowing how to positioning that offer in a compelling way in the marketplace

  3. a sales strategy that’ll convert now *and* over time

And this is why for the past 3+ years, I’ve been OBSESSED with implementing, testing and refining strategies in those three areas to ensure my clients are creating uniquely differentiated offers, positioning them in a compelling way in their industry and creating a sales strategy that ensures they are converting now *and* over time. 

Here’s the 3 step framework we use in our business and with our clients to do exactly that:

We clarify the Movement you are pioneering and leading (which is going to come in handy for your visibility and lead generation strategy in step 3), and you’ll be introduced to our famous Brand Script process so that you can take that Movement and craft a highly compelling message around it. 

Ditch the eye-rolling “sameness” in the industry! Our renowned Sold Out Offers Process (which has helped sell over $4M worth of offers) equips you with the tools to create an irresistible offer that speaks directly to your ideal client's desires. You'll learn to strategically position it for maximum sales from day one, with personalized feedback in weeks 3 and 4 to make your offer a sales ninja in disguise. 

Imagine a world where qualified leads find you, not the other way around. In this last step, we'll help you design a robust content and visibility strategy that builds trust and brand recognition across platforms that is repeatable and easy for you to rinse and repeat. Free up your time to focus on what matters – coaching and building your sustainable and predictable revenue stream!

And here it is in action

Having a deep, nervous system regulating TRUST in the repeatable strategies I’ve created is exactly what has given me the confidence to create unique offers, position them boldly in the marketplace, get really visible and SELL the shit out of them consistently.

THIS is what has led to creating a minimum of $50K in monthly recurring revenue for our business for the past almost 4 years now.

6 easy to follow modules (with lifetime access)

inside our private online portal with all the business, marketing and sales resources you need to hit the ground running and create a unique, well-positioned offer you can feel confident af to sell! Plus ongoing access to all this highly valuable content!

(value $10,000)

Pre-recorded videos on how the strategies are applied

in my own business (which is PRICELESS). This is not just me teaching you all the things that have worked for us, it's showing you what this actually looks like, how it works and why it gets exceptional results in a real world context.

(value $2,000)

Twice monthly group calls for the duration of the 12 weeks

(available in multiple time zones) to integrate everything you’ve been learning, ask questions and get inspired AF to keep moving forward.

(value $2000)

Personalised feedback on your offer brand script in Weeks 3 & 4

so you can be confident that you’ve nailed the messaging because like dominoes, nailing this ensures everything else just… flows. 

(value $1000)

Here’s a look at what you get inside this incredible 12-week journey:

As part of the program, you’ll also get access to some of our most loved resources that have helped literally hundreds of women scale their businesses including:

Magnetic Content Planner:

This is a hugely useful tool that will help you craft, plan and schedule cohesive, highly compelling content for your offer.

Visibility Strategy:

This is my wildly popular 3 part video training series to help you capture your authentic voice and craft a powerful visibility strategy. Plus you'll get a plug and play google doc to help you map out your personalised plan.

Your Brand Script Process:

This is a thorough process that takes a bit of time and effort to work through but once you do, you’ll be clearer on what your offer is and the value you provide so you can talk confidently about your offer.

Sold Out Offers Workbook:

Every client who works with Team JJ gets a look at our famous Sold Out Offers workbook. This is also something I use every single time I create a new product. It will show you how to position your offer powerfully in the market and help you articulate the ultimate value of your offer for your customers.

“If you want to feel confident about your next steps in business, work with Jazze.”

As a result of implementing her strategies and following her advice, I no longer need to work at my desk for 6 hours straight. Instead, I’m showing up as my most creative and healthiest self with an immense ease and a knowingness of what I’m supposed to be doing. On top of that, I recently hit my highest income month ever! Working with Jazze has completely shaped the way I do business and the results I can achieve.

Benita Bensch - Motherhood Coach, Bestselling Amazon Author, proud aussie farmer, Mum of 4



But your investment is a fraction of the cost…

Most Flexible

link jump

10 x monthly
payments of

$165 USD

Pretty Flexible

6 x monthly
payments of

$275 USD


3 x monthly
payments of

$550 USD

Best Value

One-time payment of

$1,500 USD

The sooner you start, the sooner you can start creating and refining your offer, crafting compelling messaging (and having it personally reviewed by me!) and creating a sales process that means you won’t always need to be “on” in your business,

But as soon as you sign up, you’ll get instant access to the welcome content and the entire first module so you can get started straight away!

How this works:

The Constantly Converting program spans 12 weeks *officially* but you’ll have ongoing access to revisit the content whenever you need PLUS you’ll get my personalised feedback on your offer brand script in Weeks 3 & 4!

Upon enrolment, you’ll have immediate access to the content and each week you’ll receive an email to let you know that it’s time to complete a new module.

You’ll work on Modules 1-3 in the first 3 weeks of your time with us, submit your brand script for review, and then have an “integration break” in week 3.

Then in weeks 5-7, you’ll complete the final modules (modules 4-6).

Weeks 8-12 will be implementation (and how great that you’ll still have a month’s worth of calls with us to get feedback as you’re doing that!)

Live group calls will happen twice monthly and the call calendar can be found here. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions and iron out any issues you may be experiencing in your business.

Can I be honest with you…

None of the principles I’m teaching here are particularly ‘new’ or ‘secret’ or innovative

They are simply the steady, reliable, straightforward business systems and strategies that I’ve been implementing in my own business for the past few 3+ years to create predictable, recurring revenue to the tune of $50K+ per MONTH. 

It’s also what I teach all my clients and it’s the reason we have some of the highest retention rates in the industry.

Because something I’ve discovered working with hundreds of women in business in many different industries and at all levels of income -- the ONE thing that stands out and absolutely can not be ignored is they usually have very few predictable strategies in their business. 

Things like rinse and repeat offer creation, content creation, and sales strategies are often non-existent. A lot of times there aren’t even nurture sequences or instagam highlights, let alone a robust and thorough strategy for offer creation (which is where predictable revenue truly starts - YOUR OFFER!) 

It always blows my mind at how these women didn’t burn tf out a heck of a lot sooner. But the great news is that it’s something that, once implemented, will change everything and bring a hell of a lot more ease and flow (and predictable revenue) into your business. 

So many business owners don’t know where to start. 

But fortunately for you, this is my sweet spot…

Hey! I’m Jazze

I’m a business coach and creator of first-of-its-kind business immersion, NEON, where coaches, consultants and service providers come to find their strengths and zone of genius to create more visibility, scalability and profitability by leveraging their own PERSONALISED strategies, human design energy type and unique natal chart. 

At the end of my first million dollar year in business, I realised I was burnt out AF and couldn't have been operating further from my natural way of being. This ultimately led to a “come to Jesus” decision to get clear on the strategies that were going to be the most income-producing, sustainable and personally satisfying. 

As a multi-passionate 5/1 Manifesting Generator, Sun and Mercury in Cancer and Capricorn Ascendant, intuitive business is literally DESIGNED FOR ME! The problem was… I was stuck in the “cookie cutter” mindset and doing what everyone else told me to do. I mean, it worked…for a while… until I hit burnout.

And this is why every strategy I use in my business (and teach my clients) is designed to have YOU at the forefront - and without you needing to actually BE physically at the forefront of your business 24/7. 

Because here’s what I now know to be true… 

This is the MOST sustainable and nourishing way to do business AND directly correlates to spacious, high monthly recurring revenue. 

This is how you get consistent conversions.

Meet your Constantly Converting Co-Coach…


Sherise is a Team JJ co-coach and creator of Fast Track Foundations program. She’ll shine a light on your true potential, help you nail the foundations and guide you to create binge-worthy content on your chosen platforms. She’s an expert cheerleader and supporter of people who are going for their goals and we frequently receive feedback that she makes you feel like ANYTHING is possible.

Are you ready?

As soon as you enrol, you’ll receive immediate access to just enough content to get you pumped up for constant conversions, along with the entire first module to introduce you to the messaging process that has helped me successfully create every single offer I’ve birthed in my business, and generated millions in revenue for my clients.

“Working with Jazze has given me so much more space in my life - and directly resulted in achieving my highest income month ever in my business..”

I no longer work constantly, I’m healthier, more energetic and have way more time for myself. But the biggest result I’ve achieved in my business since implementing Jazze’s strategies (apart from reaching my highest income months ever) is achieving 100% conversion rate of all my current clients for 2023. On a personal level I feel I can really live my life to the fullest and still be successful in my business.

Sara fiordi - life coach

I talk about this a lot…

About how results compound over time. But those results can only compound if we deposit NOW. 

The strategies y
ou’ll learn in this program can be implemented *immediately* so you can create better, more clearly differentiated offers, cement yourself as the ONLY choice in your industry and make sales consistently

This is not just something you need ‘someday’, this is NECESSARY NOW if you want to stabilise your income, create predictable revenue and you know, keep your business doors open.

And if you want to build the confidence to beam your authority as one of the brightest leaders and visionaries in your industry, these are the strategies you MUST HAVE dialled in. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • We’ll start by deciding, defining and declaring the Movement you’re pioneering and create an overall “brand script” that represents you and your business. This will create more congruence with your messaging and make it easy to pitch for guest podcast interviews. Your brand script will become one of the key assets in your business so starting to work with it as early as possible in this process is essential.

  • Positioning your offer effectively in the market will attract the right leads and make your job (getting results for your clients) a lot easier! We’ll activate the compelling brand script you crafted to communicate your offer's value clearly and consistently.

  • Identifying and creating a distinctive, valuable offer that stands out in the market is a MUST and if you can give it a clearly differentiated point of difference to what exists elsewhere, you’ll be head and shoulders above the rest. I’ll share Team JJ’s renowned process that has sold over $4M in offers.

  • Ultimately your message needs to be congruent to create more trust and familiarity with your brand which leads to more conversions and this is what we’ll focus on. Along with a website audit and designing a potent email nurture sequence, we’ll ensure your message is clear and consistent across your website, emails, Instagram highlights, etc.

  • Every online business owner needs a clear and high-converting strategy to increase brand awareness and continuously generate leads. We’ll dive into how to create a consistent content creation and distribution strategy and you’ll see behind the scenes of Team JJ’s ridiculously simple and repeatable strategies.

  • Imagine having a simple system for sales on repeat, one that makes having sales conversations with potential clients streamlined, authentic and easy on the nervous system. Selling is often something a lot of women struggle with so I love it when I can show them how easy it can be without feeling forced or uncomfortable for you or your potential clients. I’ll also show you some invaluable tracking metrics to make these calls even more genuine and productive.

  • Step by step guide to writing belief-shifting content to triple your conversions (because you can sell a solution all day long but if your ideal client doesn’t BELIEVE they need to change anything in their life or business, they’re not going to buy from you!)

  • How to interpret the KEY data your business is giving you so you can spend your time and resources on the things that move the needle. Whether it’s increasing your traffic or making a messaging shift, this module will help you diagnose the issue and find the fix - plus we’ll walk you through how to set up google analytics so you can see at a glance exactly what’s going on!

“Since I started working with Jazze I’ve signed a new client every single week!”

We’ve been working for just a few months but in that time I’ve experienced HUGE changes in my business, I’ve quite literally signed a new client every single week! Jazze has helped me with the foundations of my business, stripping everything back from how I create an offer, to selling that offer and elevating my onboarding process to welcome these new clients in. She’s also shown me how to deliver the offer in a way that feels really good to me and the client. These foundations have changed my business so much and in such an incredibly short amount of time and I’m beyond grateful. I can’t wait to continue working with Jazze in the future.

Elaine leek - Intuitive Business + Energy Coach

“Jazze helped me leverage what I’ve already created in my business to use for the future.”

Before working with Jazze, I was operating from a place of impulsivity, saying yes to everything without much strategy or intentionality to create something more sustainable for the long term. Jazze helped me leverage what I’ve already created in my business to use for the future, which feels so amazing.

Rachel Bale - Business + Self Empowerment Coach + Podcaster

This is for you if…

You’re a coach, service provider or digital entrepreneur desiring to solidify or scale to 6 figures.

You want a business that converts and creates results even when you’re offline. 

You want predictable strategies you can use over and over again to create, position and sell your offers. 

You’re sick of throwing spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick. You just want to know you’ve got the “right” strategy that’ll actually work.

You’d love to know that the offers you put out there are actually going to sell!!

This isn’t for you if…

You’re brand new to business and have no idea what you want to sell. This program assumes you already have the basics nailed down and can hit the ground running. However, might I suggest checking out my
free resources >>

You think strategy isn’t that important. And I get it, I do! It can be tempting to skip the strategy and go with what feels right at the time but I’ve learnt that making room for strategy is what compounds results over time and so this is how we do things at Team JJ.

You don’t have time to put in the work. Again, strategy is KEY and in my experience, prioritising it always pays off.

And if you’re still wondering…

  • This is perfect for coaches, service providers and digital entrepreneurs who want the strategies to create or refine their offer, position it in a compelling way in the marketplace, sell it with confidence and generate leads on a consistent basis (... oh and move towards or solidify $5k-$10k months in the process). Get on a call to see if it’s a fit.

  • No. Not only are there twice-monthly calls for 12 weeks (6 calls in total) (in multiple time zones), you’ll also receive PERSONALISED feedback on your offer messaging in Weeks 3 & 4 because like dominoes, nailing this ensures everything else just… flows.

    So yes, this is a self-study program with plenty of well formatted and easily consumable content (including videos, downloads and audios to suit your learning style) but you also receive 1000s of dollars worth of personalised support from me on the live calls and personalised feedback.

  • Yes! These calls will be held in multiple time zones and in a hot seat style (where I shine the brightest as a sacral). We’ll dive into your individual business, review your work (taking a good look at the data) and create the best results for you.

  • First things first, as a Mani Gen, I learnt the hard way that skipping steps can hang you out to dry in a launch.

    So, knowing this about myself, I’ve made sure that my strategies are robust and thorough and can withstand any Mani Gen storm.

    Secondly, as a coach grounded in “strengths-led” business, all of our strategies support clients to extract their uniqueness and point of difference which instantly takes it to level 100 i,e. it might be the same 3 step visibility strategy, but what comes out at the end is different for EVERY client.

    Thirdly, it's the application of strategies that most people don’t understand. In Constantly Converting, there’s more focus on applying the strategy than the actual strategy.

  • Yes. You’ll start with our famous Sold Out Offers process to help you map out and start moving towards an epic offer with messaging that really hits the mark with your right audience.

  • Yes! We won’t just cover it, we’ll nail it!

  • No. Most people overcomplicate the sh*t out of their business way too early. If you’re not at $10k months, focusing on nailing one or two offers should be your focus (not a whole ascension model).

  • Honestly? Anything! Whether you are focusing on 1:1 coaching containers, group programs, masterminds of passive offers, this program will show you strategies that work perfectly. This is what I LOVEEEE about strategies that are founded in strengths and differentiation… they apply to any kind of digital offer.

  • Around two hours per week to consume the content set for that week. It’s super streamlined but methodical and step-by-step with each module designed to build on the last i.e. if you’ve already nailed your messaging (which I review personally in Weeks 3 & 4), then that’s going to make sales a heck of a lot easier down the track.

  • No. Apart from our live group coaching calls and the personalised messaging feedback you’ll receive, this is a self-study style program. However, if you desire more guidance as part of the ongoing integration process, may I suggest exploring our 12 or 6 month business immersion, NEON.

    If you do decide to join NEON, the Constantly Converting program will be added as an inclusion so not only are you getting the strategies, you’ll get daily support in our active Slack channel and more regular coaching calls with myself and my co-coaches (plus a community of the best business sistas you could ask for). If you’re not sure, you can book a call with me here.

Download your Constantly Converting Call Schedule

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    Remind me again, what’s included?

    As part of this 12 week program, you’ll get:

    • Access to our private online portal with an extensive library of business, marketing and energetic resources to help you set up systems and processes within your business 

    • Twice monthly calls for the duration of your 12 weeks (available in multiple time zones)

    • Personalised feedback and refinements from me on your brand script in Week 3 & 4 

    • 6 modules of content with downloads, videos, audios and workbooks 

    • Our Sold Out Offers workbook to help you position your offer powerfully in the market

    • Team JJ’s Brand Script Process to get clear on your offer and the value you provide (plus 1:1 feedback and refinements from Team JJ on your offer’s finished Brand Script)

    • Magnetic Content Planner to help you craft, plan and schedule high-converting content 

    • Visibility Strategy to help you stand out as the go-to expert in your industry

    Plus, these are the exact strategies that we use inside NEON so if you desire to continue working with us in a more intimate capacity, you’ll be perfectly positioned to hit the ground running as you’ll have all the foundations completed!